This widespread plant grows in all areas, from lowland to highland, often in a large number of grasslands, meadows, gardens, and slopes. Dandelion has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans already knew of many medicinal properties, and records of the use of butter were also found in Arabic doctors. In the 17th century, the Italians used this plant as vegetables, and after the Napoleonic wars the poor layers feed on it.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), was named after the French dent delion, meaning lion’s tooth, which refers to its toothed leaves.

Dandelions are perennial and herbaceous flowers that grow very well in temperate climates such as those found in Europe and North America, where the flower is native.
People used dandelions for centuries, thanks to their health benefits and unique flavor.

Shea butter leaves A, C, D and vitamin B complex, then iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper … Because of the numerous nutrients that contain itself, leafy butter is usually recommended as a dietary supplement for pregnant women and women in postmenopausal, most often in the form of a salad. Salad of leaves butter is tastier if it is made before the flowering of the plant because later leaves can get a bitter taste.

The young leaves are edible and loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, the roots can be ground into a (quite tasty) coffee substitute. Herbalists still use dandelions to treat skin conditions, asthma, low blood pressure, poor circulation, ulcers, constipation, colds and hot flushes.

Dandelion sap, also known as dandelion milk, is useful in treating skin diseases which are caused by microbial and fungal infections. You should be careful while using this sap and avoid any contact with the eyes. This sap can be used on itches, ringworm, eczema, and other skin conditions without the risk of side effects or hormonal disturbances.

Young leaves, gathered in the spring, are an excellent source of vitamins, tasty and good for preparing salads, while leafy leaves are bitter and can cause nausea.

Sweet butter salad
Young butterfly leaves, two radishes, a walnut tree root, olive oil, apple apples and soya. Wash butterflies in cold water, “snap” and place in a pot. Add the rootstocks to the rings, sprinkled with nuts, olive oil, apple juice and chop.

There are no side effects if it is reasonably used. In large doses it can cause skin rash, stomach problems, diarrhea, liver problems. If these problems occur, stop using and consult your doctor.

Dandelion tea is to help detoxify their liver and make their body function back on track. Dandelion tea is a powerful diuretic, which will help the body eliminate toxins more rapidly and improve healthy kidney function. Dandelion tea also increases the concentration of certain detoxifying enzymes in the liver.

Tea from the roots and leaves of butter (radix taraxaci cum herba) is known as tea for release of liquid and tea for strengthening.

For one cup of tea, pour one or two teaspoons of root and green parts of the plant with hot water and leave it to stand for fifteen minutes. Tea should be served in the morning and evening by one cup, preferably half an hour before meals, 4 to 6 weeks.

Root butter, like all other bitter drugs, increases appetite and works well on digestion. Dandelion is a very popular mild laxans against atonic dyspepsia and diuretic. It is given in the form of tea or extract.

14 thoughts on “DANDELION

  1. This is so informative! I have been wondering off & on for a couple weeks how the Dandelion received it’s name, but have not researched it. It’s strange how some questions get answered when they pop into our thoughts. I have tasted the flower of the plant, it’s not bad at all. : )


      1. Ooh, that does seem it would be delicious. There are many around. Perhaps I could harvest them when the are new and learn to make honey. I will however, begin adding them to meals. Wishing for you the same


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